By Denver Post Capitol BureauThursday, March 13, 2003 -
Committee kills bill for renewable energyThe Senate Business Affairs Committee voted 4-3 Wednesday to kill a bill mandating use of renewable energy for power generated by Xcel Energy and Aquila Inc.
House Bill 1295 would have required Colorado's investor-owned utilities to acquire about 8 percent of their electricity from wind and other renewable sources by 2010.
Opposition came from the rural electric associations, which feared that the measure would have increased costs. Supporters said the measure would have created nearly $100 million in rural economic development.
Spay-neuter day gets legislative resolutionIt's a day that conscientious pet owners will mark on their calendars - and cats and dogs will come to dread.
House Joint Resolution 1022 - the Spay and Neuter Your Pet Day measure - makes its legislative debut in the House Agriculture Committee today.
Sponsored by Rep. Jack Pommer, D-Boulder, the nonbinding resolution designates Feb. 25 of every year as Spay and Neuter Your Pet Day and encourages pet owners to get animals fixed.